12 Jan Testimonial from Igor
I visited Esalen back in August 2021 for a Bill Donius’s workshop called: “Meet Your Better Half: Unlock Your Right Brain”. The Esalen Institute itself is a fantastic spiritual place, immersed in nature and surrounded by breathtaking views of the Pacific ocean.
But Bill was able to make this place even more welcoming by creating a very open and warm atmosphere for people from all over the world, from founders and lawyers to venture capitalists and early Google engineers… And all these diverse people became very comfortable sharing their personal stories and being vulnerable within the first couple hours after we all arrived.
Btw, that was the exact first question Bill asked us: “Have you arrived?” And it was definitely a very deep and enlightening question, as it was very hard to feel fully arrived on Friday evening after a week of work and 3 hours of driving on the busy highways. But this question set the tone for the next 2 days: focus on the Power of Now, be honest with everyone around you, and immerse yourself in your feelings and emotions.
During 2 days filled with lectures and practices, we experienced right brain activation techniques, which allowed us to get very insightful answers from within ourselves!
It was definitely not a place where the brain relaxes, but where both parts of the brain perform new and interesting activities. And this means that you are simultaneously growing yourself (building new neural circuits) and taking a rest from your usual routine.
Also the opportunity to get advice from the person who advised the CEOs of Kawasaki, Hitachi, Lufthansa, e.t.c. is something pretty incredible.
Overall I learned the following things during this seminar:
- Who are my inner and spiritual animals
- How much do I lose because of distracting thoughts while eating
- How to get insightful answers from within yourself using your right brain
- What are the main things in my life I should focus more on
- Why should I forgive all the people
- That there are no bad people on this planet, but only those who really need healing
- What is my highest and best purpose in this life
Finally, I think I became one step closer to understanding how people communicate here in the US. It’s definitely a much more sophisticated approach than we have back in Eastern Europe, where being your true self is enough to build good relationships with other people
During a weekend filled with lectures and practices, we experienced right brain activation techniques, which allowed us to get very insightful answers from within ourselves!
Overall I learned the following things during this seminar:
- How to get insightful answers from within yourself using your right brain
- What are the main things in my life I should focus more on
- Why should I forgive people
- That there are no bad people on this planet, but only those who really need healing
- What is my highest and best purpose in this life
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